
December 26, 2017

Tamil Nadu is a state that has its own political arena which proves to be extremely dramatic. The main qualification, as believed by the public, for a politician, is cunningness. To a certain extent, this proves to be the truth. The voting public seem to have lost faith in the so called leaders’ cunningness which is leading this wonderful state into “hell”. The drama played by the so called leaders should be cut short for the state to prosper. This can be achieved only by revolution. Any revolution that has taken place in our world has started with the desperations among the common public. When the time comes, the people of Tamil Nadu have to be ready to take on and lead themselves to prosperity rather than continuing the same drama with different actors.

Public Awareness.
The Party is bigger than the candidate. The irony is that the place where Mr. E.V.R had lectured all through his life about ill effects of superstitions, still sees political leaders as celestial beings. The most important aspect in which the public should vote is the idea that the current candidate is proposing. The mandate for the election is one thing and the basic ideology of the party is another. Both have to be taken into consideration while the general public cast their votes. Due to the increase in the influence of the internet, many fake news and unnecessary paths are being dug for the stream [public] to flow which must be stopped. We have to stop being active on social media alone and start to be active socially. Relying on a single person for everything is not common sense. An individual who knows about the happenings of one problem need not know the depth of another. So we need to stop looking up on a single person or a group of people who are not the government, to solve every problem of the state and we should definitely stop cursing them on social media if they don’t share their opinion about a certain other problem.

         Democracy as believed by many is the torch light in the path towards equality, which is being thrashed to the ground in the name of elections. Itself being a complex concept, democracy is beaten and played around like a football by even more complex entities called political parties. The basic system of adult suffrage is made into a mockery. This situation of travesty must be combated only with self-realization. Each individual has to understand that the ignorance of the people towards democracy is the capital with which the so called leaders are banking on.

Who’s the fool?
The voting public has been manipulated by all sorts and the desperations among the public is widely seen. There exists an urgent rush towards political freedom from the existing hamster-wheel situation which has drained up the energy of the common man. At the same time, the voting public is also open to accept “gifts” and “tokens” from the show runners which totally defies all laws pertaining to democracy. This situation presents itself as a paradox with extremely contradictory approaches for the same problem. So who is the fool? The common man who gives up his hamster for lab testing and expect it to be treated well? Or the so called politician who plays blackjack with the voting public? It is not a very easy question to answer, it is just more complicated than it looks.
Whom can we blame? When a financially poor family is given a bonus of their year’s earnings for nothing in return, there is very little chance for the deal to break down. Also, when you had done nothing even remotely related to uplift the society, there is almost zero options to bank on except gambling. All these in and outs of the election had painted different unnecessary colours on the face of democracy to make it look like a clown. In spite of being a land with rich history regarding the struggle for democracy, democracy had been taken for a ride for quite some time now and the ride doesn’t seem to stop any sooner.

As E.V.R says, any action that changes the previous for good is a revolution. The person who takes pains to change it is a revolutionist. There is only a slight difference between a reform and a revolution; Reform is to make changes to the existing in order to improve, while Revolution is to completely destruct the previous to create a new system for the betterment of the system. As the building (current political scenario) is very much degraded by the scum parasites living on the walls, there is a need for a revolution rather than reform. A revolution does not necessarily need to be done by the youth but for a revolutionist, the main qualification is a youthful mind. To quote Mrs. Indira Gandhi, “you cannot shake hands with clenched fists”. So if you are not broad minded, you cannot be a social revolutionist, let alone a political leader. All great revolutionists in history from Buddha to E.V.R have tried to break down the building for good but have not been able to, meaning, no revolution can be 100% successful. C.N.Annadurai created a revolution by becoming the chief minister of Tamil Nadu dethroning Congress. The anti-Hindi agitation proved to be the starting step of the revolution which destroyed Congress from TN state politics. All great political leaders were revolutionists trying to eradicate social inequalities.


The developments, the great union of India, has achieved in political terms has been abysmal. From money to caste, the basic structure with which the politicians bank on has been a great backward fall. The current scenario had learnt very much from years of struggle for independence from the imperialistic powers, but supposedly from the wrong side. Oppressing people with power and banking on the unawareness of the public isn’t a new experience for the Indian public. This imperialistic drama has to be brought down and its artists stripped off for the theatre to adopt Purna Swaraj or complete true independence from mal forces. That is possible only when the audience altogether rise up to tear down the screen and not to applaud the disgraceful performance in return for the futile gift tokens. 

By Benolin

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  1. The passage "who is the fool" was really well put. Who can we really blame. The POOR who sell their basic right (i.e, right to vote) or the RICH who buys their way to anything.

  2. The writer's opinion has been conveyed in an effective manner. The so called politicians are targeting the lower class people who are willing to accept any kind of incentive. But the sad truth is that, even the educated communities have become victims of bribery. The scenario now is - "Money comes at the cost of the State's betterment".


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