RANT No: 5425 -- Tamil Media

July 23, 2019

Let’s call a spade, a spade and a piece of shit, a piece of shit. Tamil Cinema sucks.

Yes, only less than five movies are actually good in a year, the other more-than-thousand “blockbusters” are a total waste of time and energy. I’m sick of pretending that the movies are good because they’ve put in so much “effort”, it’s so absurd. How dumb can we be to pretend the movie was great because the “hero” worked so “hard”, I mean, even I worked hard to write this shit(not really).

            No one is aspiring to become an actor anymore, they want to be heroes and the women are trying so hard to be empowering (no, I’m not talking about jo akka).

But actually, I’m fine with the shit stories, the one thing I cannot digest is when they start preaching, the “message” movies as they say. Yes, Tamil Cinema has always been politically active since its genesis, but today, there is literally no Tamil movie without some or the other reference to current affairs and it is boring and disgusting.

It is not news to say that the Tamil media and movies are biased but the level of popularity these shit parithabangals and blacksheeps have over the people is both funny and frightening (talk about being one of the most literate state in the nation). Things they show on movies and YouTube are a huge load of crap which is not even honest, it is just like running again and again inside a fatpot without any constructive influence.
There are a load of Modi jokes, mixture jokes, Brahmin jokes and so on. It has started to get boring and forced. All these minor “messages” aside, there are two major trump cards- farmers’ plight and corporate mafia. It makes me sick in the stomach every time some stupid actor goes on to champion the cause of the farmers- what is his qualification, oh yes, he is Pure Tamizhan. A guy who is planning, in the first half, to rob banks goes on to save farmers and create a “revolution”-in other news, another guy says he is qualified to play professional Kabbadi because he is apparently a True Tamizhan.

All these stupid, dishonest, half-baked and importantly misleading rhetoric of Tamil media is only doing disservice to the paid customer. The funniest thing about all this is that the makers (both YouTube and movies) think that they are some kind of woke people who know the truth about oppression and all that shit they keep blabbering about while it is clear that they have no clue whatsoever.

Studies show that for every IT job created in India, there are six more indirect jobs due to the trickling down effect. Tamilnadu is among the developed states of India due to its industries and employment generation capabilities. But the media which benefits most from free markets and corporate technology, cry foul and play victim because they are allegedly attacked by corporate criminals. The word corporate has become a bad word in today’s Tamil discourse, I mean how dishonest is that, we all know at least one individual who works at an MNC and is improving her own standard of living and increasing the consumption rate thereby increasing the nation’s economy as a whole.

If I was given a rupee every time the Tamil media and movies said the word vivasayi (farmers) in the past five years, I would be funding Elon Musk right now to go on a voyage to Mars. It has become so boring and irritatingly predictable what they are going to say. It is like they are one big monolith, zero different opinions-no, none.

Yes, there is a farmer crisis, yes, it has to be sorted out, but by who? These stupid movies and videos? Definitely not, they are not even in the list of groups with the remotest kind of relevance. They have no idea what they are talking about but they keep blabbering about things that they think they have the moral obligation to “spread” messages to the wider public whom they conveniently assume are dumb and naïve. I mean, how deluded are they to think that they know it all and the viewers are a group of dumbfucks without any knowledge on anything.

Around fifty percent of the workforce is employed in agriculture and allied activities, among them, almost seventy percent are marginal farmers, i.e, they hold less than one hectare of land. Our population is rising making lands more fragmented, there is increase in stress on resources and difficulty in mechanization. The practical way out is to take more people out of agriculture by facilitating creation of new jobs but the media pushes for an unrealistic and imagined utopia which they dream about. It is a net loss for the farmers and thereby the nation, but the media doesn’t care about all that, they just want to show that they are morally superior to the common public making us feel guilty because something unfortunate is happening somewhere. If i want to open my bottle with my leg, what does that have anything to water scarcity and police violence? It is so unfair and again, morally dishonest because they start their own small digital companies but ask the public to expect the government to play mummy. It spirals down only to retarded growth, unemployment, anger, hatred and divisiveness.

It is actually funny to think how these people write scripts from a woke perspective- two spoons of anti-establishment jokes, three spoons of useless Tamizhan rhetoric, five spoons of farmer’s issues and corporate criminals as per taste- there, I wrote a script.

Although these people are Gold level hypocrites, they are just supplying to demand. It is the audience which has been pseudo-aware of social problems and believe anything as far as they talk about “students” “youth” power. In reality the students and youth including me are naïve and stupid. Just grow up idiots. The “students” have no power, nothing- that’s again the media fooling you. (How dare you, did you see Jallikattu? Okay bye.)

End of rant.

By Admin

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