
January 24, 2018

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Disclaimer: By reading this article, you are committing an act of blasphemy.

There is a notion well accepted by people that the world was not formed by the Big Bang. They say “GOD” created it and say he even created the humans and their intelligence. Of what use is the intelligence when people refuse to use it. There is a saying by a well-known rational thinker, “Two hands working can do more than a thousand clasped in prayer”. There is a reason a person has come up with a thought like this. Imagine, a surgeon praying in an operation theater instead of operating on the person lying on the table, it will sound absurd. Because an action saves lives, inaction does not. In the same way, when you are in a difficult situation, believe in yourself.
 If we are to accept that “GOD” created the earth and humans are his creation, (i) why doesn’t he control all the natural calamities that destroy millions of his creation? Doesn’t the “ALMIGHTY” love his children? If he is the “ALL-LOVING CREATOR”, then (ii) why does he create children who are born with severe disabilities? If the answers of these questions are fate, karma then he is not “ALL- FORGIVING” as believed to be. Using the intelligence bestowed upon us by the “ONE”, we come to understanding that he doesn’t consider us even as his creation. If the “SUPREME BEING” created the entire universe and all the planets, then (iii) why create life only on Planet Earth? If your answer is there are evidences for life on other planets too, then that raises another question, if there are certain extra-terrestrial beings then why not make it easy for both the parties (humans and extra-terrestrial beings) to communicate or reach out to each other? 
If these same questions are put in forward in the science front, the answers are plausible. The answers are, (i) Natural calamities are caused by the movement of the earth and nobody can control them. (ii) Babies are born with certain disabilities because of certain defects in their gene, which again cannot be controlled by anyone. (iii) There are certain missions that are being carried out on other planets to explore and discover a source of sustenance.

Science has flaws and accepts it. Religion has flaws but doesn’t accept it. Having flaws is not a mistake but not owning is. There is a certain extent to which science can venture but after that point it becomes stagnant. But religion has explanations which are beyond its scope. The irony of religion is that even though its boundaries are endless it limits people’s understanding of the world. The biggest issue with religion is that it discourages questioning, and anything that does not want to be questioned has something to hide.    


Author : Gautham Selvarajan Facebook



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