Recalibrating Sensitivity- WW

June 17, 2020


June 18 - Recalibrating Sensitivity 

The Sociopolitical climate, not only in India but throughout the world, has become similar to that of Mars's with periodic Acid Rain. But here, instead of the Acid, we pour down our wrath on the so-called “public enemy”. It is high time we, as a society, relearn the difference between disagreement and hate. If a person or a group disagrees with a person, in an opinion, it does not necessarily mean that they should hate the person and the things related with him/her. They can disagree and still be in a bonhomous relationship. Society cannot force people, who are mature enough to differentiate between the two, to join the namecalling-abusing barbarity. In situations like this, some people in the society may feel suffocated in choosing one or the other camp. In order to evolve into a more civilized and cultured society, we need to recalibrate our sensitivity and avoid going into overdrive for every petty quarrel. 

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